Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tic Tac Trouble by Zoe

Hilde makes us laugh ALL the time. This story will make you think she's the silliest kid in the whole world. Today, we were all in the car on our way to my mom's friend Julie's house. Our grandpa, "Bumpa", gave us a can of Tic Tacs and my mom gives them out in the car when everyone cooperates.Well anyway, Mom gave us each two Tic Tacs in the car because we were being good this morning. About five minutes later, Hilde said, "I lost my Tic Tac."
My mom asked, "Where is it?"
"In my nose," Hilde answered.
When we finally got to Julie's house we looked at her nose and it was all orange from the Tic Tac. It had been in there for so long that the orange dissolved and mixed in with her snot so that she had orange snot running down her nose!We got a flashlight and looked up her nose, but the Tic Tac was to far up her nose to get with pliers. We also tried having her blow her nose but she didn't know how. The orange snot kept coming out and the Tic Tac got smaller. We got a Q-Tip, cut off the end, put in up her nose, and, Ta-Da! the Tic Tac popped out! Hilde was okay, and everyone learned a very valuable lesson. Don't put Tic Tacs up your nose!

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